52 FEATS – NUMBER 48 (Shutting Up)

29 Nov

For the original 52 FEATS blog entry, click here.

As I’m nearing the end of my year of Feats, it’s about time I tried this one:  Shutting my piehole.  Clamming up.  Zipping it.  I hate those moments when I’ve realized I should be listening instead of talking.  I’m not sure if I’m occasionally trying to fill awkward silences, or if I’m trying to prove something to someone, but sometimes I just don’t know when to shut up!

I noticed this a week ago when I was on a business conference call.  Much to my chagrin, it seemed like my mouth was talking before my brain had even formed anything concrete to say.  A couple times I completely lost my train of thought, and I wondered later if I came across as a total nincompoop.

I also have this problem with my kids, though in a completely different way.  When they misbehave and I get upset with them, I tend to go on and on and ON AND ON in correcting them.  I know I’ve read in more than one parenting book not to keep beating that dead horse.  Say what you need to say, and end it.  But in the heat of the moment, I tend to run off at the mouth until I’m sure I’ve put them into a stupor and the lesson is lost.

And I think the most important thing is, when you’re talking, you’re NOT listening.  Instead of seeing what you can learn or absorb from the situation, you’re stomping all over it.  So this week I’m going to concentrate on holding my tongue.  Who knows what I may learn?

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” ~ Doug Larson

One Response to “52 FEATS – NUMBER 48 (Shutting Up)”

  1. Joan Anderson November 29, 2011 at 9:27 pm #

    I’ve got a better chance of becoming an Olympic Athlete than I do of successfully completing this feat!

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